Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Influence of Music free essay sample

Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the Imagination, and life to everything. (Plato, 428-348 BC ) Music Is Inseparable part of our everyday life; we can face It In every corner of our town, on TV commercial, films, radio etc. Music can be understood everywhere, even if you cannot speak the language of other countries, but you move, dance, sing and enjoy the music while listening to it. We may not understand the words of a musical selection but we do understand the tatty of songs.We cannot avoid it and we cannot disclaim that music has an impact on humans behavior, mood and attitudes. Music can affect us In ways In which people are not even aware of, and for this reason, music Is simply amazing. Therefore, this issue has been studied for decades, by unrelated people for each other, such as music educators, neuroscience, composers, psychologists, singers, philosophers, mathematics, therapists, medical researchers and others. That is why music is used in millions of places. The first question of inquiry chart is: how does music affect our emotions?Music can produce deferent emotions in listeners. Also, It is a form of expression, because artists often express their feelings through songs. They write songs when they are happy, sad, angry. And even when they are in love. It has been proven that certain types of music can evoke sadness, while others can give you an excitement. Also, music has the ability to change the emotional and physical status of people, whether they are in bad moods, good moods, or sad moods. As health reporter of BBC news Sonny Musicologist (2011) wrote Music releases a chemical in the brain that has a key role In setting good moods.Also, when people listen to music, their body produces serotonin, which Is known as the happiness hormone and that Is why, lovely songs can make them happy. According to Emperor State Research, which was conducted by Christopher Rear, Pamela Macdonald and Gwen Scares (2010), they investigated the effects of different types of music on moods. They took fifty four participants, who were undergraduate college students. Sixteen of them were men, thirty seven of participants were women, and one participant was unspecified. The age range of participants was from eighteen to thirty years.Materials which were used In an Investigation were three compact discs [CD]: pop, heavy metal and classical music with approximately ten minutes music on each CD. According to results of Rear et al. (2010), nineteen of participants reported that they felt themselves more relaxed and calm while listening to classical music, seventeen of partakers who listened to heavy metal, reported increases in Jitteriness, and decreases In calmness, security, satisfaction, comfortableness, relaxation, contentedness, steadiness, and pleasantness. Other seventeen students felt more types of music make us feel and behave in different ways. I would agree that music impacts on our emotions, because when I listen to the song with the title Dont Worry e Happy by Bobby Mesmeric, all problems go far away from me for three minutes. Actually, I see myself as a melanoma, because I try to listen to different types of music, pop, rap, rock, classical, house, soul etc. However my tastes change due to time, now I prefer to listen to rap music, tomorrow I can listen to club music. Additionally, I want to add that music can transport memories from past to present, for example when I hear some songs from school time, I remember my classmates and school.As Abss Happy New Year brings us emotions and atmosphere of the New Year. In conclusion, music communicates with our hearts and minds; it serves as a powerful connection into our emotions. Music is not only for entertainment and for pleasure, but has been used for a wide range of purposes due to its social and physiological effects. Music has been used in stores, offices, and as a background in advertisements and has been reported to influence listeners emotions and behaviors. So, the second question of the chart would be: How does music affect consumer behavior?It is a simple fact that most music of today is composed, strutted, sold and bought, performed and listened to for some commercial purposes. One of the main purposes is selling. Nowadays the main concept of this modern world is to make more money, as everybody knows; customers are the main source of the companies income, whether you make products, goods or service. Moreover, managers and marketers try to attract more consumers by using different tricks. One of them is to influence customers behavior by music and sounds.First of all, on an average day, the average person watches an hour and a half of the commercial television stations, of which fifteen minutes will be made up solely of advertisements. Approximately half of all advertisements will have music (Fellows, 1998, Para. L). Good music can contribute to the effectiveness of an advertisement by making it more attractive. A good music engages the attention of an audience, evoke emotions and sometimes make audience to dance and sing. Music plays an important role in marketing business, by appealing customers through their emotions, as it was mentioned before.In this case, music should send messages about products brand name, shape, and even taste etc. For example, according to Michael Morrison (2009), Victoria Secret is a good example of this phenomenon. The playing of classical music in their stores, as contributed to a prestigious store atmosphere, leading to a customer perception of higher merchandise and service quality. The atmosphere of the shopping environment can influence customer attitudes and their perceptions in relation to the overall quality of the store in terms of the product, service the purchase price.Music can be helpful element of a stores atmosphere. Also, Morrison made several case studies; one of them is about Borders asks, book retailer, which wanted to maximize the amount of time people stay in the store. Music in the store is slow and relaxed, designed to maximize customer visit time. Research showed that if shoppers stay longer and travel more slowly throughout the store, they are likely to purchase more. This case can be proved by Mailmans study (1982) that found that the tempo of music can effect shoppers movements around the stores. In my point of view, music can affect our music, our appreciation may be changed in various ways. For example, I listen to classical music when I stand in the traffic Jams; I feel myself less stressed and more relaxed. Finally, we face ads with music everywhere, while shopping, watching ivies, driving cars, surfing the internet and so on. The third question of the chart is: how does music affect education? Albert Einstein (n. D) asked about his theory of relativity, It occurred to me by intuition, and music was the driving force behind that intuition. My discovery was the result of musical perception. There have been a number of studies done on the effect of music on academic development. US Irvine researchers Frances Earaches, Gordon Shaw, and Katherine Ky (1993) published an article entitled Music and spatial task performance, they exposed college students o listen to ten minutes of Mozart Sonata in D major for Two Pianos, KICK, to ten minutes of a relaxation tape, or ten minutes of silence, which was followed by a test on spatial reasoning. Earaches et al. Research showed a significant rise in scores from students who listened to the Mozart Sonata.The students who listened to the Mozart sonata showed eight and nine point increase in their IQ scores over their scores when they took the test after a period of silence or listening to the relaxation tape. These finding nowadays is known as Mozart Effect. In addition, recent researches proved that music affects the body. As Laurence ODonnell (1999) stated Classical music from the baroque period causes the heart beat and pulse rate to relax to the beat of the music. As the body becomes relaxed and alert, the mind is able to concentrate more easily. Furthermore, baroque music decreases blood pressure and increases the ability to learn. Mozart music and baroque music, with sixty beats per minute beat pattern, activate the left and right brain. More importantly, research has proven that the limbic part of the brain is responsible for long term memory, which means when information is learned with music; there is a rater chance that the brain will encode it in long term memory. (Dry Roy Page, 2006) In my opinion, sitting in the silence is the best condition of learning. I have tried to listen to Vivaldi and Mozart, but songs did not made me more attentive or smarter.However I will attempt to listen to classical music every day. I consider this type of music would help children and pupils, because their brain enhance day by day till they got eighteen years old. Thus, music carries with it more than Just feelings, it can be a powerful transportation for information. In conclusion, music can be a positive force for relaxing, calming and learning. Music can serve many different purposes. Some people uplift their mood and emotions, some people make money by influencing others, nevertheless everybody benefits from music.

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